Broadcasting on, The Zach Feldman Show is a music/talk show dedicated to putting smiles on people's faces. We talk about the wildest stories to hit the internet and talk about life's current struggles in a comedic entertaining aspect uncensored.
The Zach Feldman Show can be heard on over 25 different directories and gets over 100k listeners on our Livestream at Some of the platforms we can be heard on are TuneIn Radio, Amazon Alexa,, My Tuner, Live 365, and more!
For $25, we will interview you on our award-winning show and get you the exposure you deserve on your latest book! The show airs LIVE every Wednesday at 8pm EST but we can interview you beforehand if this time does not work with your schedule.
Please feel free to contact us before you purchase if you need more information. We look forward to working with you soon!