You have a pain - You can’t find a copywriter who converts.

I’m here to be your Icy Hot. Icy to dull the pain, hot to relax it away.

I know how to (and do) convert. It’s simple, but no one will do the dirty work.

What's the dirty work?

Well, I’m essentially a proctologist. Your customers have a pain in their butt, and it’s my job to find it… and the remedy?

A prescription to your product or service.

Okay, stop thinking about butts for a second.

What I do is stalk your customers like your crazy stalker ex -- on forums, social media, Youtube comments, and Amazon product reviews. I study them, I learn about them, AND THEN I BLAST ALL THEIR DIRT ON SOCIAL MEDIA.

Okay, I'll skip that last bit.

But I will find their pains, and I will position YOUR product or service as the Icy Hot to THEIR pains.

If you want inspiring, attention-grabbing sales copy that ENGAGES and SELLS…

...I’m your Neo. I’m the one.

And I’m your stalker proctologist. Tell all your friends.

Message me now for a FREE exam -- oops I mean consultation.


Save time and order quickly w/ one of my preset sales copy packages to the right (it will prompt you to fill out a questionnaire and attach any files)